Unique Gifts - Custom Molded Earplugs is a unique ear plug you can by online.
Unique Gifts,Custom Molded Earplugs,  earplugs,

Unique Gifts - Custom Molded Earplugs Description

Batteries IncludedNo
Weight454 Grams

Unique Gifts - Custom Molded Earplugs Review

I bought these to be able to use them at gun range. The over year electronic ones are great, but sometimes the bat can get in the way of rifle shooting. Check the mfg date on the inside of the box. Make sure they are fresh enough. I was stamped on 11-5-2015. About a month when I ordered and received them. Just follow the easy directions on the box. They feel sticky, having already chewed gum upon mixing two batches together. I went over 10 minutes requesting the scheduled time on the instructions. Lasted about 15-20 minutes. During that time, do not talk, open your mouth, shake your jaw when the mixture is set. After about 8 minutes, you will see all kinds of strange sounds in the form of sets and forms. Thanksgiving dinner processing almost feels like your digestive system. After they gently pull them out and let them sit and treat them for at least 3 hours. I just set overnight. I also recommend getting the Radian CEPNC-B neck cord with blue and red screws. It's nice to pull them out and hang them around your neck during the truce. NRR is 26. Better than ear protection shield. highly recommended.

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